You can use the search bars on the left to search by the following criteria: First Name, Last Name, Unit, Title or Position. Below are the general phone numbers you may need:
Internal number for emergencies : 1100 (internal)
Boğaziçi University Reception: +90 212 359 54 00
Bebek Gate |
6549 |
Information |
4480 |
Green House |
4549 |
Etiler Gate |
4449 / 6749 |
Hisar Gate |
6489 |
Kale Gate |
6449 |
North Campus A Gate |
4459 |
North Campus B Gate |
6559 |
Accounting Office |
4463/6722/4437 |
Book Store |
7178 |
7139 |
7260 / 4740 / 4741 |
7505 |
Canteens |
6729/7110 |
Corporate Communications Coordination |
6590/6742/4948/7361 |
Data Processing Department |
4700/6445 |
Dentistry |
6780 |
Financial Aid Office |
7143 |
Foreign Students and Scholars Advisor |
7092 |
Health Service |
4440 |
Housing |
4544 |
International Relations Office |
6708 |
Library |
4422/6530/6739 |
North YADYOK |
4592/4593 |
Post Office |
4434 |
Press & Publications Office |
4406 |
Public Relations Office |
6703 |
Office of University Promotion |
7116/4498 |
Registrar's Office |
4408 |
South YADYOK |
4500/4501/4542 |
Sports Services |
4545 |
Student Affairs Office |
4543 |
Student Affairs Coordination Council |
4554 |
Student-Social Fund Office |
6898/6731/7214 |
Summer School Office |
7142 |