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Code of Ethics
We suggest the adoption of the following principles for the continued good order and sustenance of the high public esteem of our University. We do so with a view to enable all interested parties to comply with principles normally outside the formal rules and regulations applicable to teaching staff, students, academic personnel involved with administrative work and administrative personnel.
1- Respect human rights and liberties.
2- Allow no discrimination or prejudice on the basis of religion,languages, race,ethnic origin, opinion, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical disability or like.
3- Create and maintain at the University an atmosphere that nurtures free discussion.
4- Preserve the freedom of learning and teaching, knowledge acquisition and information dissemination.
5- Support the advancement of academic knowledge by all parties.
6- Achieve a balance between confidentiality and transparency of information.
7- Observe mutual respect among individuals and academic and administrative units on campus.
8- Exercise effective, efficient and careful use of institutional resources.
9- Solicit the participation of all who are directly or indirectly affected by an institutional decision.
10-Maintain focus on human and social benefit and responsibility in all institutional acts and decisions.
11- Nurture the development of competency of individuals; conduct affairs in an honest and reliable manner while being aware of due rights and responsibilities.
12- Nurture the development of professional competency; perform duties with integrity and in conformity with institutional principles of quality and effectiveness.
13- Support personal development and recognize the value of academic merit, experience and conscientious work.
14- Act sensitively and responsibly towards environment; recognize and respect animal rights.
15- Exercise authority in good faith with a view to protect academic autonomy and freedom; carry out duties and responsibilities to full extent; promote all the above principles within and outside the institution.