• All
  • Albert Long Hall
  • Kandilli Campus Administrative and Technical Coordinator
  • Public Law
  • Sports Branch Directorate
  • Technical Services Branch Office
  • 1.Kilyos Dorm
  • Accounting Office
  • Administration and Finance Department
  • Administration Office
  • Advanced Technologies Research & Development Center
  • Alumni Office
  • Alumni Office & Career Center
  • Anadolu Hisari Dormitory
  • Anadoluhisar Campus
  • Applied Tourism Administration Research Center
  • Archaeological Science Research Center
  • Archive and Documentation center
  • Archive Office
  • Asian Studies Research Center
  • Astronomy Laboratory
  • Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History
  • Automation and Reporting Office
  • B.U. Foundation (BUVAK)
  • Belbaşı Nuclear Test Monitoring Center
  • BEPAM Research Center
  • Boğaziçi University Technopark ( BÜN TEKNOPARK)
  • BU Technopark Corporation (BUTEK)
  • Business Analysis and Customer Insight Research Center
  • Byzantine Studies Research Center
  • Career Center
  • Center for Applied Research in Finance
  • Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies
  • Center for Disaster Management
  • Center for Economics and Econometrics
  • Center for Innovation and Competition-based Development Studies
  • Center for Life Sciences and Technologies
  • Center for Psychological Research and Services
  • Center for Research in Corp. Govern. & Financial Regulation
  • Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Civilized Centers Coordination Office
  • Communication Systems Branch Office
  • Computer Center
  • Confucius Institute
  • Construction and Maintenance Department
  • Construction Office
  • Construction Works Coordination Branch Directorate
  • Control Organization Coordination Office
  • Coordination Office for Student Activities
  • Data Processing Department
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute
  • Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Dean of Faculty of Education
  • Department of Budget and Performance
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology
  • Department of Computer Engineering
  • Department of Culture, Arts and Activities
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Educational Sciences
  • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Department of Final Accounts & Reporting
  • Department of Foreign Language Education
  • Department of Health and Guidance
  • Department of History
  • Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Department of Internal Auditing
  • Department of Internal Control & Pre-Financial Control
  • Department of International Trade
  • Department of Linguistics
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Management Information Systems
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Mathematics and Science Education
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Political Science and International Relations
  • Department of Primary Education
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Real Estate
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Tourism Administration
  • Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Department of Turkish Language and Literature
  • Department of Western Languages and Literatures
  • Dept. of Strategy Planning and Management Info. Sys.
  • Digital Campus Branch Office
  • Digital Education Coordinator
  • Director of Executive Office
  • Directorate of Strategy Development Department
  • Disaster and Emergency Managament Directorate
  • Early Childhood Education Unit
  • Earthquake Preparedness Education Unit
  • Economic Design Research Center
  • Education Technology Building Block B
  • Educational Policy Research Center
  • Educational Technology Research Center
  • Energy Policy Research Center
  • Entrepreneurship Center
  • Environmental Cleaning
  • Environmental Regulation Branch Directorate
  • ETA A Block
  • ETA B Block
  • European Studies Research Center
  • Events and Organizations Coordinator
  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • Faculty of Communication
  • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Managerial Sciences
  • Feza Gürsey Institute
  • Feza Gürsey Physics and Mathematics Research Center
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Fine Arts Department
  • Garanti Cultural Centre
  • Geomagnetism Laboratory
  • Graduate Program in Business Information Systems
  • Graduate Program in Earthquake Engineering
  • Graduate Program in Economics and Finance
  • Graduate Program in European Studies
  • Graduate Program in Executive MBA
  • Graduate Program in Geodesy
  • Graduate Program in Geophysics
  • Graduate Program in Social Policy
  • Great Meeting Hall
  • Halet Çambel and Nail Çakırhan Archaeometry Traditional Architecture and History Research Center
  • Hardware Support Branch Office
  • Health, Culture and Sport Activities Department
  • Health, Culture and Sports Coordination Branch Directorate
  • High Current Laboratory
  • Hisar Campus
  • Hisar Campus Coordinator
  • Human Development Research Center
  • Human Resources Development Unit
  • Humanities Program
  • III. Kilyos Dormitory
  • Infirmary
  • Information Systems Research Center
  • Institute of Biomedical Engineering
  • Institute of Environmental Sciences
  • Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
  • Institute of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences
  • IT Coordination Branch Directorate
  • IV. North Dormitory
  • IV. North Dormitory
  • İç Kontrol ve Ön Mali Kontrol Birimi
  • İznik Earthquake Hazards Reduction Center
  • John Freely Hall
  • Kandilli Campus
  • Kandilli Dorm
  • Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute
  • Kilyos Campus Coordinator
  • Kilyos Hotel
  • Kilyos Sarıtepe Campus
  • Kilyos Social Facilities Management
  • Konut Kullanım Şube Müdürlüğü
  • Kurumsal Gelişim ve Koordinasyon Şube Müdürlüğü
  • Language Research Center
  • Legal Advisory
  • Library and Documentation Department
  • Lifelong Education Center
  • Mail Center
  • Mechatronics Research Center
  • Media and Communication Coordinator
  • Member of the Excuse Commissioner
  • Meteorology Laboratory
  • Mithat Alam Film Center
  • Movable Consolidated Unit
  • Movable Unit
  • Nafi Baba
  • Nafi Baba Sufism, History-Cultural Heritage Application and Research Center
  • Natuk Birkan Building
  • Nâzım Hikmet Culture and Art Research Center
  • New Hall
  • North Campus
  • North Campus Mail Center
  • North Car Park
  • Occupational Health and Safety Unit
  • Office for On-the-job Training
  • Office for Sponsored Research
  • Office of Dean of Students
  • Office of Food Services
  • Office of International Relations
  • Organizational Development and Planning Branch Office
  • Peace Education Application and Research Center
  • Personnel Department
  • Polymer Research Center
  • Presence Management Branch
  • Printed Resources and Collection Development Branch Directorate
  • Printing Office
  • Project and Survey Department
  • Purchasing Office
  • Quality Coordinator
  • Realization Office
  • Records and Communications Office
  • Rectorate
  • Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring Center
  • Registrar's Office
  • Repair and Maintenance Office
  • Restoration Office
  • Revolving Fund Accountant
  • Revolving Fund Office
  • Revolving Fund Purchasing Office
  • Sarıtepe Campus Biorefinery Facility
  • School of Foriegn Languages English Preparatory Division
  • School of Foriegn Languages Modern Languages Unit
  • Science and Technology Complex Building
  • Scientific Research Projects Office
  • Scientific-Technological Research Projects Office
  • Search-Planning-Coordination Office
  • Secretary General
  • Security Office
  • SineBU Movie Theater
  • Social Facilities Management
  • Social Policy Forum
  • Software Branch Office
  • South Campus
  • Square Block
  • Student Affairs Department
  • Student Affairs Office
  • Student Dormitories Office
  • Student Guidance and Psychological Counseling Center
  • Summer School Office
  • Support Services Branch Office
  • Sustainable Development and Clean Production Research Center
  • System and Network Management Branch Office
  • Technology Center for Disabled Students
  • Technology Transfer Office
  • Telecommunications and Informatics Technologies Research Center
  • Telephone Office
  • Tender and Procurement Department
  • The Center for Educational Technology Research and Implementation
  • The School of Foreign Languages
  • The School of Foreign Languages Advanced English Unit
  • Transportation Services
  • Turgut Noyan Building
  • Turkish Language Courses Coordination Unit
  • Ucaksavar Campus Sports Complex
  • Uçaksavar Campus

  • All
  • Adjunct Instructor
  • Adjunct Professor
  • Adjunct Professor / Emeritus Faculty Member
  • Adjunct Professor / Emeritus Faculty Member
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor / Adjunct Professor
  • Assistant Professor / Part Time
  • Associate Professor / Part Time
  • Doç. Dr.
  • Dr.
  • Dr. / Adjunct Faculty Member
  • III.Kilyos Dorm
  • Instructor
  • Instructor / Part Time
  • Instructor, PhD
  • Instructor, PhD / Part Time
  • Part Time Instructor
  • Prof. Dr. / Part Time
  • Professor
  • Professor / Emeritus Faculty Member
  • Research Assistant
  • Retired

  • All
  • Food Engineer
  • Resource Development Coordinator
  • 3. Kilyos Dorm
  • Accountancy Authority
  • Accounting Staff
  • Accreditation Project Coordinator
  • Acting Dean
  • Acting Deputy Office Manager
  • Acting Director
  • Acting Director of Department
  • Acting Director of School of Applied Disciplines
  • Acting Head of Department
  • Acting Head of Unit
  • Acting Institute Director
  • Acting Rector
  • Acting Secretary General
  • Administrative and Technical Coordinator
  • Administrative Affairs Coordinator
  • Administrative Coordinator
  • Administrative Head of System Administration Unit
  • Administrative Manager
  • Administrative Specialist
  • Adviser to the Rector
  • Agriculture Engineer
  • Agriculture Technician
  • Akademik Kurul Sorumlusu
  • Anadolu Hisar Dormitory
  • Analysis, Data and Testing Specialist
  • Architect
  • Assistant
  • Assistant Coordinator
  • Assistant Director
  • Assistant Executive Secretary
  • Assistant Manager
  • Assistant Technical Coordinator
  • Assistant Technician
  • Associate Dean
  • Associate Head of Department
  • Astronomer
  • Basketball Coach
  • Biologist
  • BuCard Operation
  • Budget Personnel
  • Campus Secretary
  • Cashier
  • Center Director
  • Center for Research in Corporate Governance & Financial Regulation
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Chemical Technician
  • Chemist
  • Chemist PhD
  • Chief Officer
  • Chief Security
  • Classical Music Assistant
  • Clean Room Manager
  • Clerk
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Communications Assistant
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Computer Administrator and Webmaster
  • Computer Engineer
  • Computer Operator
  • Consultant
  • Contract staff
  • Coordination Branch Manager
  • Coordinator
  • Coordinator of Strategic Planning
  • Coordinator of Summer School
  • Corporate Communications Director
  • Data Analysis Expert
  • Dean
  • Dean of Student
  • Dentist
  • Department Administrative Secretary
  • Department Secretary
  • Design and Media Responsible
  • Director Assistant
  • Director of Department
  • Director of Inst. of Graduate Studies in Sci. and Eng.
  • Director of Printing Office
  • Director of School of Foreign Languages
  • Director, Center for Economic Design
  • Director, Center for Economic Design
  • Director, Center for European Studies
  • Director, Office for Sponsored Research
  • Disaster and Emergency Coordinator
  • Division Chief
  • Division Manager & Assistant to the Vice Provost
  • Division Manager & Assistant to the Vice Provost
  • Division of Artificial Intelligence
  • Division of Big Data and Data Analytics
  • Division of Cognitive and Intelligent Systems
  • Doctor's Assistant, Medical Attendant
  • Dorm Manager
  • Driver
  • EBYS Coordinator
  • Editor
  • Education Planner
  • Educator
  • Employee
  • Engineer
  • Engineer
  • environmental engineer
  • Erasmus Advisor (Bilateral Agreements)
  • Erasmus and Mevlana Exchange Programs Institutional Coordinator
  • Erasmus Anlaşmaları Danışmanı
  • Erasmus Budget Advisor
  • Erasmus Budget and Finance Advisor
  • ERASMUS Institution Coordinator
  • Events and Organizations Coordinator
  • Events Assistant
  • Events Coordinator
  • Executive Assistant
  • Executive Secretary
  • Facilities Manager
  • Facility Director
  • Faculty Executive Secretary
  • Faculty Member
  • Faculty of Law
  • Fee Staff
  • Feza Gürsey Building Supervisor
  • Fiduciary
  • Finance director
  • Financial Services Assistant Expert
  • Financial Services Expert
  • Fitness Sorumlusu
  • Front Office Coordinator
  • Fundraising
  • Fundraising - Project Manager
  • Garage Chief
  • Gardener
  • Gelen Öğrenci Danışmanı
  • Gelen Öğrenci ve Exchange Anlaşmaları Danışmanı
  • General Coordinator
  • General Manager
  • Geophysical Engineer
  • Geophysicist
  • Geophysics Engineer (MSc.)
  • Global Outreach Coordinator
  • Graphic Design Specialist
  • Guard
  • Hardware Support
  • Hardware Support Branch Manager
  • Head Nurse
  • Head of Cataloging
  • Head of Department
  • Head of Division
  • Head of Geodesy Department
  • Head of Hardware Support Unit
  • Head of Meteorology Laboratory
  • Head of Network Unit
  • Head of Software Development Unit
  • Head of Software Support Unit
  • Head of the Circulation Department
  • Head of the Office
  • Head of Web - Training Unit
  • Head of Web Unit
  • Head Technician
  • Health Officer
  • Health Technician
  • Hizmetiçi Eğitim Koordinatörü ve Bölüm Sekreteri
  • House Master
  • House Master of Albert Long Hall
  • Hydrobiologist
  • I. Female Dormitory Manager
  • I. Kilyos Dormitory Manager
  • I. North Dorm Manager
  • I. North Dorm Manager
  • I.Kilyos Dormitory Supervisor
  • II. North Dorm Manager
  • III. Kilyos Dormitory Manager
  • In Kind Accountant
  • Incoming Student Advisor
  • Information Security Manager
  • Information Technologies Manager
  • Institute Director
  • Institute Executive Secretary
  • Instructor
  • Interior architect
  • Internal Auditor
  • International Relations Coordinator
  • Isı Atölyesi - Güney Sorumlusu
  • IV. North Dorm Manager
  • İç Kontrol ve Ön Mali Kontrol Birimi
  • Kandilli Campus
  • Kandilli Campus Computer Support
  • Kandilli Science and Technology Building
  • Kilyos Sarıtepe Campus Coordinator
  • Klasik Müzik Koordinatörü
  • Laboratuvar Sorumlusu
  • Lawyer
  • Legal Advisor
  • Librarian
  • Lojman Bina Amiri
  • Manager
  • Manager
  • Map technician
  • Mathematician
  • Media Relations Advisor
  • Meteorological Engineer
  • Mevlana Exchange Programme Coordinator
  • Movable Consolidate Staff
  • Movable Consolidate Staff
  • Moveable Records and Control Manager
  • Moveable Records and Control Manager
  • Muhasebe Memuru
  • Music Events Coordinator
  • Müdür Sekreteri
  • Network Admin
  • NMR Expert, Ph.D.
  • North Campus Support
  • North Campus System Administrator
  • Nurse
  • Observer
  • Occupational Health and Safety Specialist
  • Office Staff
  • Office Support
  • Operator
  • Organization Manager
  • Organizational Development and Planning Branch Manager
  • Outgoing Erasmus Advisor
  • Öğrenci İşleri
  • Öğrenci İşleri Sorumlusu
  • Özlük İşleri
  • Özlük İşleri
  • Part Time Instructor
  • PC Lab. Sorumlusu
  • Permanent Worker
  • Person in Charge of Card Office
  • Physician
  • Physicist
  • Planning Coordinator
  • Programmer
  • Project and Exemption Specialist Associate
  • Project and Study Department
  • Project Development and Industry Collaborations Specialist
  • Project Development and Support Manager
  • Project Development and Writing Specialist
  • Project Development Specialist
  • Projects Advisor
  • Projects and Industry Collaborations Department Manager
  • Psychological Counselor
  • Psychologist, M.A.
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Purchase
  • Purchasing Officer
  • Real Estate Responsible
  • Receptionist
  • Rector
  • Reference Librarian
  • Researcher
  • Responsible for Institues
  • Responsible for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • Responsible for the Faculty of Education
  • Responsible for Admissions Office
  • Responsible for Course Schedule and Exam Programs
  • Responsible for OBİKAS
  • Responsible for Sarıtepe Campus
  • Responsible for the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Responsible for the Faculty of Engineering
  • Responsible for the Archives
  • Responsible for the Information Desk
  • Responsible for the School of Applied Disciplines
  • Responsible Staff for Administrative Affairs
  • Responsible Staff for Technical Affairs
  • Sarıtepe Kampüsü Akademik Koordinatörü
  • Science and Technologies Infrastructure Coordinator
  • Sculpture Instructor
  • Secretary
  • Secretary General
  • Secretary of Dean
  • Secretary of Registrar
  • Security Guard
  • Senior Advisor (International Faculty & Student)
  • Senior Erasmus Advisor
  • Senior Psychological Counselor
  • Service Coordinator
  • SineBU Project Director
  • Sociologist
  • Software Developer
  • Software Project Manager
  • Software Support
  • Software Systems Consultant
  • Specialist
  • Specialist Project Scientific/Clean Room Technical Koordinator
  • Statistician
  • Student Assitant
  • Support Personel
  • Support Services Manager
  • Support Staff
  • Switchboard Operator
  • System Admin
  • System Analyst
  • System and Network Management Branch Manager
  • Systems & Automation Manager 
  • Taşınır Kayıt Yetkilisi
  • Taşınır Konsilide Yetkilisi
  • Teacher
  • Technical Associate
  • Technical Coordinator and Project Manager
  • Technical Head of System Administration Unit
  • Technician
  • Technician
  • Technology Transfer and Commercialization Department Manager
  • The Head of Internal Audit
  • Training Coordinator
  • Tsunami Analyses
  • Ucaksavar Dorm Manager
  • Uçaksavar Spor Tesisleri Sorumlusu
  • Venue Manager
  • Veterinarian
  • Vice Director of KOERI and Head of Geodesy Department
  • Vice Rector
  • Vice Secretary General
  • Vice-Provost
  • Visual Designer
  • Visual Director
  • Web Application Senior Specialist
  • Web Application Specialist
  • Web Designer
  • Web Editor
  • Web Programmer
  • Web Programmer and Designer
  • Webmaster
  • XRD & AFM Specialist

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  • Professor Berat
    Faculty of Arts and Sciences / Department of Turkish Language and Literature
    Acting Head of Department